Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Meet Ivy

It's great to finally be home!! However, it will be a good while yet
before my life returns to "normal". And the family is adjusting to me
not doing all of the things I took care of before - laundry, cleaning, cooking,
driving them places. I think I am having a harder time adjusting than
they are.

One of the biggest changes for me is that I am still hooked up to an IV at
home. Meet Ivy - my new, petite little pole and tiny pump. She's smaller
than Diana, my huge pole in the hospital, but it's good for home.

I have to get IV Magnesium for at least a month. The transfusion takes four hours.

So for 4 hours every day, I am attached to my pole and pump. I can make it
down the one stair into the family room, where I normally nap during transfusion
time. But I can't go upstairs or outside while hooked up. This will take some
planning on my part. Do I need anything upstairs? Have I showered? Gotten dressed?
Do I have everything I might want for the next 4 hours? Is the dog walked?

It's not too bad overall. Little Ivy makes a little bit noise but it is not so much that I cannot

So when you come to visit me, just don't be alarmed that there is an Ivy next to me. She's


  1. It's nice that Ivy keeps you company during those 4 hours! :)

  2. Go Ivy, go! Sending you love today and every single day, you amazing and inspiring woman.

  3. Cute pole!!! Not so bad. I hope you just keep getting less restricted.
