Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Happy Re-Birthday

Today is my new birthday!!! In about 5 hours, I will be receiving my sister's
bone marrow. That will be a bit after 4pm, which, ironically, is the actual time
I was born in August many years ago.

My sister, Brenda, just finished up in the OR. She did great and is now in
recovery, and the anti-nausea meds they gave her seem to be working.
She'll be moved up to a room soon.

My other sister, Colleen, is the family cheerleader, and is doing a wonderful
job. She had the job of driving down here with Brenda in the wee hours of the
morning and is the designated family member for the docs to report to.

I cannot even begin to express my thanks to these amazing women.
They are both so strong and supportive and I so glad I have them by my
side today.

I  had a vivid dream about my Mom last night. I truly believe she is here with
us. And last night, before I fell asleep, I heard something really strange:
a boys choir singing. It was probably just my imagination. However, my father sang in a
boys choir when he was growing up. I feel that he is here with us as well.

Today is Day 0! I'm ready for the rest of my life to begin.


  1. Best of luck today! Looking forward to counting the days and years ahead with you. 💜

  2. you are an amazing woman and you too will be strong. As for the sign from your dad, I'm going to use a quote from Harry Potter that I think of fairly often.
    "Tell me one last thing,” “Is this real? Or has this been happening inside my head?”
    “Of course it’s happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?”

  3. I am so ecstatic that this day has come for you! Continued good wishes and health! <3

  4. ����������

  5. Aack! Those are supposed to be lots of hearts!! But on my phone they look like a bunch of question marks!! <3
