Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The Big Picture

Somewhere in my upbringing, I got the message that pain meds were
a bad thing. That pain was something to be endured quietly. Grin and
bear it. Stiff upper lip. All of that nonsense.

So this weekend, I made what was a very difficult decision for me:
to go on a pain med pump. That will give me meds whenever I need

In making this decision I had to sit back, get away from my head, and
look at the Big Picture:

1. Being in constant pain is demoralizing, hard on your body and just stupid
2. The meds make me sleepy. Sleeping right now is the best thing for me
3. The meds allow me to eat. Eating will help me heal and recover
4. I'm on Day 13. Pain should only last until Day 18. I can do this for a few days!

I have a job for all of you! You can be little cheerleaders for Brenda's Bone Marrow.
The sooner it takes over, the sooner my pain will end.

Bricka Bracka Firecracker!
Sis Boom Bah!
Bone Marrow! Bone Marrow!
Rah! Rah! Rah!


  1. I will say and do anything!! You know what 18 means, so you can do it!!

  2. Hang in There! We are thinking of you!
