Saturday, February 11, 2017

A Birthday for the Hubs

Today is the Hubs birthday. And it's a Saturday, so normally, we would be going out to a nice
restaurant and maybe doing something fun during the day with the kids.

This year is not normal. The Hubs didn't want to go out or do anything (I think he feels
guilty that I'm here) but I told him that he had top do something - it's his birthday after
all, so  he and the kids will come down to visit, and then the
three of them will join my mother-in-law for a lovely dinner in Philly.

I think it's the best way he can celebrate in this very odd year. He and I will have a nice
restaurant dinner when it's safe for me to leave the premises (hopefully only 2 more weeks!)

But knowing that milestones happen and life passes and I'm here waiting for my numbers
to get better can be frustrating. I'm trying not to let it get to me. But sometimes it just does.

This will be a year filled with patience and frustration for me. But I have to look at the end
goal: beating this thing and celebrating many many birthdays with the Hubs in the future.


  1. Thanks Carin and all for your birthday wishes spread out among many communication vehicles. Best b day gift for me by far is you beating this thing and resuming your normal life with a high dose of gratefulness from all of us and probably more adventure thrown in. Sounds odd to say but eagerly looking forward to seeing you on my birthday today - Love, The Hubs

    1. Doing my best to kick this thing in the ass!! Happy Birthday!!

  2. Happy Birthday Hubs!!!!!! Thanks for taking such good care of my sister and niece and nephew. You're wonderful!!!!!!!!
