Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Mr. Fancy Pants Man

One more resident in my neighborhood that I need to mention:

Mr. Fancy Pants Man. I have no idea who this guy is. But he has a double room
all to himself. He gets REAL linens on his bed - I saw the cart outside his room.
My pillowcases have HUP stamped in ink on them. His have the University of
Pennsylvania crest embroidered on them.

My towels can double as emery boards, they are so rough. His are soft and super

My blankets are hospital grade and you need about three of them to actually feel warm.
His were soft and thick and warm looking.

I also caught food services coming out of Mr. Fancy Pants Man's room. I did a double-take.
It was an actual cloth covered cart with a real silver dome over the food!!!!! And he had
some ice cream that involved a scoop, not a dixie cup!

I have actually seen Mr. Fancy Pants Man walking the corridors. He has an entourage.
He uses a walker. He has a spotter on the left side. A pole pusher on the right side.
Someone behind him pushing a wheelchair just in case. And then two suit-looking people
just striding along at the end of the parade.

He also wears silk striped pajamas that makes me think of Dan Akroyd's character in
Trading Places.

Wish I could tell you that I am sharing the floor with someone famous. But chances are I am
just sharing the floor with someone rich. Cancer does not really care if you are rich or poor.
But I'm glad that I have the same opportunity to get healthy as Mr. Fancy Pants Man. It also
does not matter if you are rich or poor when you kick cancer's butt.


  1. ...but does he have 100's of people cheering him on?

    1. I do not think he does. I am the richer for my cheering section!!!!

  2. We are thinking of you! Hang tough.
    Steve Labroli

  3. You have a lot of people thinking about you and praying for you. Your blog is inspiring and shows just how courageous and special you are as you face adversity and kick cancer's butt. :0)

  4. So bummed I didn't get to sneak a peak at Mr. Fancy Pants. Great visiting you.

  5. What fun to imagine his backstory. Hmmmmm imagination is a wonderful gift. You could make up a whole adventure about him. On a more serious note-cancer is certainly an equal opportunity offender.
