Friday, February 3, 2017

My Inner Child

Remember the early 90's, when everyone was encouraged to get in touch with
their Inner Child in order to heal themselves. Am I dating myself too much?

Anyway - I have gotten in touch with my inner child. And guess what? She's
a screaming, temper-tantrum throwing 2-year-old brat. She will not stop hurling
herself on the ground and yelling "No! No! No!". She is Noodle-Girl, who turns
limp when it's time to get up off the floor. She is Stiff-As-Board girl when it's time
to get into the car seat.  She is really angry. She will not go down easy.

I think she is the voice of the people
I think I kinda need this gal.


  1. Carin, I just learned about this newest turn of events. My mother instinct wants to scoop your inner child up in my arms to give comfort and calm the fears. I admire you so much for your positive attitude and determination. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
    Yifat, Dave, Ever and Chikobi

  2. So well said. I like the 2 year old. She makes a lot of sense and is helping to keep you going!!!
